Nobody’s Sidekick

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I didn’t want to have to go to the dollar store today. I don’t want to HAVE to do anything, and the fact that I shop there with increased frequency as I grow older is maybe kind of embarrassing on many levels. However, the temperature inside my apartment as well as outside was becoming unbearable. I looked forward to the A.C. in my car and possibly the dollar store. My shopping intention was to find a three ring binder for less than the wrong price of $10 offered at office supply chains and cleaning supplies that weren’t $5 or more a bottle. It hurts to pay more than $1 for these boring adult life task supplies. Any doubt I had that the dollar store was where I was supposed to be today disappeared when I was “greeted” by my dollar store soul mate, a man in his 70’s or so. His greeting went something like this: “You’d think they could at least make carts that work. These carts are terrible. Look at this! What is that? Toilet Paper stuck to the bottom of my cart?!” I firmly and audibly agreed with him. Who wouldn’t agree with being disgusted by things that don’t work and have toilet paper stuck to the bottom of them? On the way to looking for my binder, I came across “Nobody’s Sidekick” Wonder Woman products. Yahoo! I love Wonder Woman, her newish or perhaps I have never heard before slogan(Nobody’s Sidekick), and affordably priced office supplies. I loaded up my cart, as you can see. Another dollar store bonus: good music. Jack Johnson’s “Better Together” made sniff testing all the floor cleaners better; there are some really “difficult” smelling cleaning products out there. When I say difficult, I mean difficult to live with your home smelling of that cleaning product for long periods of time. Fleetwood Mac’s “Everywhere” was playing as I found my 3 ring binder. Big color selection. No surprise I chose pink. My whole shopping experience once again reminded me of why I love the dollar store. Thanks for coming through for me today!

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