Finding inspiration with ease….and a mustache

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So, I thought I was more complicated than it turns out I actually am. It appears I am actually quite formulaic. Hello Kitty + something sweet (candy mustaches inside HK tin) + something silly (mustaches) + hearts + my favorite colors = happiness for me, in turn leading to feeling inspired. When I think back to what made me feel happy & inspired when I was let’s say 9 years old, it pretty much included the same things. Oh and stickers, overalls with clogs, unicorn/rainbow/ ballet slipper shirts and accessories didn’t hurt either. My inspired 9 year-old self created many a themed lunch-time/after-school friends club, crazy outfits that boys in my class had no appreciation for (a.k.a. precursors), the not yet successful book title “Fifth Grade Doubles”, and a finely curated sticker collection. I haven’t really given up on any of those, nor of how fun I think it would be if the ceiling switched to being the floor once in awhile and we could walk on it.  One discovers this by being sent to their room often and subsequently spending a lot of time staring at the ceiling.  Yay to finding inspiration from what we love, and in staring at the ceiling.

Hello Kitty and her mustache

Hello Kitty and her mustache

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