Imperfectly Perfect

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Imperfectly perfect sounds pretty good to me.  My husband just said I should say perfectly imperfect instead, but that would seem to be stressing that whole dumb perfect thing instead of getting to laugh at yourself and your imperfections (and boy do I have a lot of those!).  Did I manage to get the unicorn pretty right in my block print above? Yes. Compared to anything else I have attempted to draw freehand, yes.  Thank you to Rob at for teaching me how to draw a unicorn, per his website post! Dare I say I see some improvement in my drawing since my elementary school days?  I was the kind of kid that checked out library books on how to draw horses, dogs, and other animals.  I was also the kind of kid that tried my hardest, yet the teacher (even now) seemed to have to finish my art projects for me. I didn’t want to have them do it, I just couldn’t seem to make it work on my own.  Tim Gunn would have lost patience with me.  I often laugh at thoughts of my child self.  I mean knowing what I know now, that anything having to do with drawing is a disaster for me, it is funny I even checked out those books.  On the other hand, I guess not much has changed.  Did everyone check out the how to draw animals books in elementary school (and laugh at themselves now for doing it?)? They were pretty cool.

For those of us that can’t seem to get the ideas we have in our heads to come out our fingers in quite the same way we picture (exhibit A: above, B: knitting class I took, C: anything I have made at Craft Night, except for Mark Montano’s projects which make me feel a lot less hopeless and a lot more of the artist crafter I want to be) either you find someone (my husband) who can make it happen right for you, or you learn to accept your crafting abilities/disabilities.   Both of the aforementioned can be a real challenge for me. And so was September’s block printing first Thursday craft night at the Craft and Folk Art Musesum in Los Angeles.  Did I almost get the lettering right (you have to write the letters reversed and your word in reverse letter order, as if you read from right to left in order for it to block print correctly), well, yes. is only ONE letter off.  Such is the story of my life. An imperfect one.  Just like my crafting abilities. Imperfectly and perfectly funny. Well….lol….most of the time.

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