Dorrie the Little Witch

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Dorrie the Witch children's book series by Patricia Coombs

Dorrie the Witch children’s book series by Patricia Coombs

I am not sure how I got to thinking about this children’s book series today, but I am glad I did.  Dorrie was one of my favorite characters in early elementary school. I checked out all her books from the library and used them for the summer reading game. Thank you Evanston Public Library near Tag’s Bakery for a forever memorable summer reading game in the early 1980’s. I could barely read the first summer I played, yet the librarian and my mom worked with me so I could participate.  I read from and answered questions about  Dorrie (or any book of choice) in order for my game piece to move forward. I am sure I didn’t quite understand why I loved Dorrie so much then, but looking at this picture now it is self-explanatory. Dorrie wears mismatched yet colorful socks! Her hair and ensemble either didn’t achieve perfectly in place status despite best efforts or she likes the just rolled out of bed look.  Either way, thank you from females out there everywhere who may never master the everything perfectly in place look.  Dorrie’s life consists of best intentions that don’t seem to turn out quite the way she had planned. I feel you sister.

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